Narcissism Enterprise
Narcissism Enterprise Simulation

Both installations are concerned with the representation of the exhibition visitor and his narcissistic relationship with his own image. In doing so, the projects merge two classical themes; the motif of Narcissus who falls in love with his own reflection encounters the enchanted mirror in Sleeping Beauty, the fairytale in which a mirror classsifies and pronounces judgment on the person facing it.

Abstract and first Illustrations
Hardware Schematic
Photo: Installation Exhibition
Visual Results
Public Narcissism
Public Narcissism at Autostadt

Beide Projekte beschäftigen sich mit dem Abbild des Besuchers. Das Thema der Installationen ist der Umgang des Menschen mit dem eigenen Bildnis. Dabei vereinen die Installationen zwei klassische Motive: die Geschichte des Narziss, der der Liebe zum eigenen Spiegelbild zum Opfer fällt, trifft auf den magischen Spiegel aus dem Märchen Schneewittchen.

Hardware Schematic
Photo: 1 2
Results:   1 2 3
Videos: LTM Recording Setup
Public Narcissism II
Public Narcissism II

In 2004 the architectural concept for the building where Public Narcissism was located was changed by the owner. As a consequence the installation had to move. I was given the chance to completely rework the piece. New location, lots of new hardware and much new software turned the old installation into Public Narcissism II.

Photo: 1 2 3