films   (currently download only - someone willing to sponsor streaming?)
titel: duration: play: copyright: year of production:
Summer 005 14:12 nab 2005
Flamenco Magnetico 06:38 VIEW nab 2005
Hamburg Hot 07:12 nab 2004
Robot's Rock 04:08 VIEW nab 2002
extra laid back 02:06 VIEW nab, A.I.Sepp 2002
AIzap @ - Archive 02:06 ISDN   nab, A.I.Sepp 2002
AIzap @ - live 02:06 ISDN   nab, A.I.Sepp 2002
AIzap @ - djs in the studio 02:06 ISDN   nab, A.I.Sepp 2002
AIzap @ - Felix Kubin live at the studio 02:06 ISDN   nab, A.I.Sepp 2002
Quasi 5 - prototype robot 05:20 VIEW nab 2001
Perspectives of a face recognition system 05:20 DSL   nab 2001
N.E. LTM recording 00:55 ISDN   nab 2001
N.E. setup 04:10 ISDN   nab 2000
I-beam music 15:10   nab, Barry Schwartz, Martin Kreyssig 1995
I-beam music animation 00:11 ISDN   nab 1995
Coax 12:45   nab 1991
Archetyp 17:04   nab 1989
Humunculus 05:25   nab, P.Vanasco 1987

    (last modified dez 21, 2005)